Scientific affairs
Department of Scientific Affairs
In the current period, scientific research has been in a difficult and inevitable situation, not only with the laboratories or equipment needed to conduct scientific research, but also in how to publish that research and scientific results in reliable scientific journals. Therefore, the Scientific Affairs Department assumes this responsibility by organizing various seminars to facilitate this task and consolidate the foundations of scientific research in all aspects. In addition, the Department of Scientific Affairs is ready to provide advice on making this mission a success, as it is a forum for researchers to discuss various fields of science. Another major task of the Department of Scientific Affairs is to organize annual courses to train the largest number of teaching staff on how to deal with hazardous chemical and biological materials in order to avoid emergency situations that lead to serious problems and are therefore difficult to control. The Department of Scientific Affairs has a strong desire to cooperate with international universities by coordinating the dispatch of faculty members to conduct outstanding scientific research through full-time courses or fellowships. The Department of Scientific Affairs is considered a forum for the production of university researchers from various scientific achievements, patents, and a tireless scientific publishing movement in addition to many diverse scientific aspects. It has become independent in its scientific identity and has become an independent department supporting various types of knowledge by relying on instructions and controls that are updated and renewed in accordance with the staged requirements for completing full-time transactions. Scientific research for teaching staff, promoting regular and electronic publishing, and developing and updating curricula. And creating the correct scientific climates according to modern methods at all scientific levels, both in theoretical and practical applied aspects, to effectively contribute to keeping pace with the tremendous scientific development in the world in various scientific, humanitarian and intersecting disciplines.
Department vision:
The vision of the Department of Scientific Affairs seeks to be the leading department in providing distinguished academic programs that support scientific research. The vision aims to stimulate the spirit of exploration and innovation and develop a learning environment that encourages positive interaction and interaction between faculty and students.
Department Message:
The mission of the Department of Scientific Affairs is to provide high-quality academic programs that meet the aspirations and needs of students and contribute to achieving scientific progress and sustainable development. The department seeks to provide a supportive and encouraging learning environment to achieve students' maximum potential.
Department objectives:
- Developing academic programs: - Improving and developing academic programs to ensure meeting labor market requirements and achieving educational excellence.
- Promoting scientific research: - Supporting and promoting scientific research and encouraging faculty members and students to actively participate in research activities.
- Stimulating innovation and pioneering spirit: - Promoting innovation and developing the entrepreneurial spirit among students through programs that support innovation and entrepreneurship.
- Enhancing academic interaction: - Encouraging constructive interaction between faculty members and students through workshops and academic events.
- Improving the quality of academic services: - Improving the quality of academic services and providing a learning environment that encourages interaction and participation.
Tasks and duties:
- Organizing academic programs: - Organizing and developing academic programs to suit students’ needs and market requirements.
- Encouraging scientific research: - Encouraging and supporting faculty members and students in implementing high-quality scientific research.
- Organizing academic events: - Organizing workshops, lectures and academic events to enhance interaction and transfer of knowledge.
- Academic performance evaluation: - Follow up and evaluate the performance of programs and students to ensure the achievement of academic goals.
- Developing training programs: - Developing training programs and workshops to enhance students’ skills and stimulate academic interaction.
- Enhance communication: - Enhancing communication between faculty members and students to achieve a productive learning environment.
- Contributing to university strategies: - Contributing to developing the university’s strategies to achieve its main objectives.
The importance of the Department of Scientific Affairs in universities is evident in its support for higher education and scientific research. The department seeks to provide a stimulating environment for academic interaction, stimulate innovation, and continue to lead scientific performance. By achieving these goals and tasks, the department contributes to achieving the academic and research aspirations of the university and comprehensively developing society.
Divisions Scientific Affairs
Scientific Division
Scientific departments are considered one of the main academic entities in universities and higher institutions of higher education. These divisions support the university's mission and achieve its educational and research goals. The importance of scientific disciplines is due to their vital role in developing knowledge and stimulating scientific and research progress in various disciplines.
The Scientific Division aims to achieve a pioneering vision of being a distinguished center for scientific research and distinguished education. The Division seeks to develop a vibrant academic environment that enhances effective interaction between students and faculty members and encourages innovation and discovery.
The mission of the Scientific Division is to provide distinguished and effective educational programs and to contribute effectively to the development of scientific research. The department seeks to prepare students committed to academic excellence, innovation, and contributing to scientific and technological progress.
- Providing a stimulating and inspiring educational environment to develop students’ skills and develop their research capabilities.
- Promoting scientific research and developing academic programs to be in line with market needs and modern requirements.
- Stimulating interaction between students and faculty members through various academic events and learning opportunities.
- Providing training courses and workshops that enhance research and analysis skills for students and faculty members.
Tasks and duties:
- Providing high-quality educational programs based on the latest curricula and innovative teaching methods.
- Encouraging and supporting scientific research by providing the necessary resources and encouraging faculty members to innovate and publish scientifically.
- Developing evaluation and monitoring techniques to ensure high levels of academic performance.
- Preparing qualified and distinguished graduates who meet the needs of the labor market.
- Strengthening cooperation with other research institutions and universities to achieve academic exchange and cooperation in the field of scientific research.
Thus, the position of the Scientific Division is strengthened as a distinguished center for higher education and scientific research, contributing to achieving the university’s strategic goals and achieving academic and research excellence.

Research Products Marketing Division
The Scientific Products Marketing Division is an essential component of the academic institution’s infrastructure, as it highlights the importance of marketing scientific products and its vital role in the success of scientific research and achieving a positive impact on society. The role of this division is not only to highlight scientific achievements, but also to promote them and make them tangible and effective in the academic and industrial environment.
The Scientific Production Marketing Division aspires to be the leading destination in marketing and publishing scientific productions, as it strives to enhance the values of research and innovation and achieve positive impact in multiple fields.
The mission of the Scientific Products Marketing Division is to highlight scientific achievements and innovations that arise from the efforts of faculty members and researchers, and to ensure that they reach the target audience in effective and attractive ways.
- Highlighting the scientific achievements and research that originate at the university.
- Develop effective marketing strategies to increase public awareness of scientific productions.
- Enhancing interaction and communication between faculty members, students and the public.
- Developing a comprehensive database of scientific productions to ensure easy access to them.
Tasks and duties:
- Developing a strategic plan to market scientific productions in an effective and attractive manner.
- Providing support to faculty members in marketing their research work.
- Managing and updating the database of scientific productions.
- Organizing marketing events to promote scientific productions.
- Analyze data and provide periodic reports on the effectiveness of marketing strategies.
- Developing and maintaining communication interfaces with the public and the media.
The Scientific Products Marketing Division represents a crucial point in making scientific achievements accessible and impactful. The Division seeks to achieve a balance between providing support to faculty members and effectively meeting the needs of the public, with the aim of achieving the university’s vision and contributing to the development of knowledge and innovation.

Government program unit
The Government Program Unit in the Department of Scientific Affairs is an essential part of the department's organizational structure, playing a vital role in defining and implementing policies and programs that promote the achievement of the goals of the department and the institution in general. The role of this unit is characterized by interaction with various partners and beneficiaries to ensure the provision of high-quality scientific services in accordance with government directives and community needs.
The Government Program Unit in the Department of Scientific Affairs seeks to be a leading center in the design and implementation of government programs that promote the advancement of science and scientific research. The unit aspires to enhance the interaction between scientific research and societal needs and ensure maximum positive impact.
The mission of the Government Program Unit is to provide an advanced and stimulating scientific environment that enhances scientific research and development, through the implementation of innovative and effective government programmes. The mission aims to achieve excellence in the management of government programs and contribute to achieving the goals of the department and the institution.
- Design and implement government programs that meet community needs and promote scientific progress.
- Improving the infrastructure and resources necessary to implement government programs efficiently.
- Strengthening interaction between the department and the government to determine priorities and improve scientific services.
- Achieving a balance between research objectives and societal needs.
- Strengthening the concept of partnership between the government and the scientific and industrial sectors.
Tasks and duties:
Needs analysis: - Conduct a comprehensive analysis of the needs of society and government in scientific fields.
Software design: - Developing strategic government programs that meet government needs and promote scientific progress.
Program implementation: - Coordinate and implement programs efficiently according to established standards and specifications.
Follow-up and evaluation: - Monitor and evaluate program performance and submit periodic reports for continuous improvement.
Government communication: - Strengthening communication with government agencies to identify needs and ensure effective coordination.
Resource management: - Improving the use and management of financial and human resources allocated to the programmes.
Enhancing transparency: - Promoting transparency policies in providing information about program implementation and results.
Cooperation with other sectors: - Enhancing cooperation with other sectors to ensure interaction and integration in achieving scientific goals.
The importance of the Government Program Unit in the Scientific Affairs Department lies in its vital role in achieving integration between scientific research and the needs of society. The unit seeks to improve the scientific environment and promote innovation through the implementation of governmental programs