Division for Control of Handling of Hazardous and Toxic Substances


Division for Control of Handling of Hazardous and Toxic Chemical, Biological and Toxic Substances

The division is concerned with the following matters
  1. Work on an inventory system for chemical and biological materials, which includes an inventory for the first half of the year, starting from 1/1 to 6/30, and the second half, starting from 7/1 to 12/31.

  2. Follow up on field visits to chemical laboratories in colleges and centers by ministerial inspection committees and follow up on the implementation of the committees’ recommendations.

  3. Work and coordinate with the CBRN Committee and the Chemical, Biological, and Radiological Security and Safety Committee and follow up on the implementation of their recommendations by colleges and centers.

  4. Correspondence with the Ministry of Higher Education and the Ministry of Science and Technology regarding chemical materials, surplus and damaged materials, and coordination with the Chemical Materials Destruction Committee for the purpose of destroying them.

  5. Work and coordinate with the Narcotics Control Committee, print the minutes of the committee’s meetings, and implement the recommendations

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